8 Signs In and Around Campus That Hanukkah Is Coming
Thanksgiving break has come to an end. You’re bloated from Thanksgiving, freezing from the temperature change, and backstroking in a pool of homework (maybe even your own tears of stress). However, fear not! Hanukkah is coming, and it’s likely you’ve seen some of these signs in and around campus that provides the eight-day long light at the end of the finals tunnel.
1.Your mom calls and offers to ship you a “Happy Hanukkah” sweater she found in Marshall’s for that upcoming tacky sweater event.

2. Your Snapchat is flooded with friends who bought a christmas tree for their house, but you opted for something a bit more “lit.”

3. All of the stress surrounding the semester’s conclusion makes you want to give up, but then you think of all of the “How are your grades?” questions awaiting for you at the annual family Hanukkah party.

4. You hear that the dining hall is getting into the Hanukkah spirit, and immediately abandon all of your plans for the night.

5. I mean, really. One does not simply turn down the opportunity to stress eat latkes. You were raised better than that.

6. You’re driving to the grocery store, and all of a sudden, Adam Sandler’s Hanukkah Song comes on. You try not to swerve, because after all, this is your song.

7. You’re always looking for fun new ways to teach your friends about the miracle of Hanukkah.

8. While you may be overwhelmed with all of your responsibilities in the month of December, you know deep down that this is in fact the most wonderful time of the year since your favorite holiday season has arrived. Happy Hanukkah to all!