Why You Should Attend #FreshFest16
While throwing your tassel in the air, you think about how relieved you are to be a high school graduate. You spend the summer answering to questions like “Where are you off to next year?” and “What are you studying there?”. While frantically running around Bed Bath and Beyond with your parents over your left shoulder and your dorm room checklist in your right hand, you wonder who you’ll be, what your friends will be like, and if the dining halls are all that they seem to be. While Hillel will try to answer all of those questions, we know we can help with at least one. Attending Freshmen Fest (also known as #FreshFest16) will help assure you you’ve made the right decision by coming to UD.

1. You’ll meet your best friends here.
Coming into college alone or with another friend is never easy – and we get that! By attending #Freshfest16 on August 25-26th you get to meet your new best friends before classes even begin. There are over 2,000 jewish students on campus and you’ll get to meet up to 200 of them!
2. You get to move in early.
No crowds and no hassles will stand between you and your home away from home. We promise it’s worth it.
3. Easy opportunity to get to know the jewish involvement on campus.
We’re you involved in a #JYG (jewish youth group)? BBYO? NFTY? NCSY? At Freshmen Fest, Hillel and Chabad will provide students with a “one stop shop” for all Jewish resources on Delaware’s campus. If you want to learn about anything from student leadership opportunities to Hillel internships, Birthright, Jewish based greek life, and where to find the best Kosher food on campus, our student leaders and staff will provide you with great resources and advice to make the next four year the best four years.
4. Discover great resources.
Not only are your new potential best friends a great way to kick off a new chapter of your life, but how about meeting some more people that will have an impact on your college career? From asking upperclassmen advice for how to navigate around campus, to meeting Hillel staff who is always here to challenge and inspire you, Hillel is here to help you get ahead in life with internship and leadership opportunities.
Do you still have questions? Join the Facebook group and ask your Freshmen Fest upperclassmen leaders. Or, you can also contact us by phone at 302-453-0479 or contact Jonathan Falco, our Engagement Associate, at jonfalco@udel.edu.